Monday, November 26, 2007

Requirements in CreatedFor(Submitted) List.

1.List should be in this order
1 Self
2 Brother/sister
3 Son/Daughter
4 Nephew/Niece
5 Uncle/Aunt
6 Brother-in-law
7 Sister-in-law
8 Grand-Son
9 Grand Daughter
10 Friend
11 Relative
12 Neighbor
13 Customer

2.When self is selected (from createdFor list) ProfileName and Gender should come from User table and focus should go to Date.Of.Birth .

3.And when we are selecting other relations the gender should get activated accordingly(Ex. if we select brother-in-law in gender male should get checked and if we select sister-in-law in gender female should get checked).

4.When gender is set and user tries to change the gender an alert message should come and we should not allow him to do so.

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